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Thursday 29 May 2014

New Tab - Home Math Knowledge Activities

Hi Parents and Caregivers,

I have added a new tab to the top of the blog. If you are interested in working on a child's math knowledge at home, this tab will interest you! If you click on 'Home Math Knowledge Activities' you will come to a page full of Number Sequence,  Place Value and Number Facts activities that you can do at home, based on a child's math level. Some activities also include printable resources. To get to the activities, just click on each box - I would recommend clicking on those boxes at the year 3-4 level. However, some children have only just been at school 2 years - so don't be afraid to check out the year 2 level also as it includes all that really fundamental math knowledge.

Have a happy Queens Birthday weekend!

Miss Roberts

Monday 26 May 2014

Homework Update

Kia ora parents and caregivers,

I have been getting a few queries regarding homework and so I thought I would provide you with a little more information that I hope might clear up any questions you may have. Homework is essentially the same every week. Children should be practicing their basic facts and reading for ten minutes each night. A child is certainly not restrained to only practicing the single rung they are sitting at. I would encourage you to revisit lower rungs also to ensure early, essential basic facts are still remembered. Reading Eggs and Mathletics are also fantastic websites children can hop onto to supplement their homework. Sometimes I may set tasks for students through Mathletics which are related to specific learning needs. These tasks have to be completed before they are able to access the regular Mathletics website.

The white sheet that frequently goes home that contains the 'extra for experts' grid of activities does not change - so if your child does not receive this sheet there are no problems. When a student improves their basic facts level, I do then endeavour to send one of these white slips home with their new stage written at the top of the page. If you are ever unsure where your child is working, please don't hesitate to come into the class and check out the basic facts ladder on the wall.

Homework books are due on Fridays and go back out the same day.

Click the blue link below to find the homework information sheet:
Homework Information Sheet

If you have any other questions, please email me, comment below, or visit Room 12.

