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Monday, 27 April 2015

Redwood Remembers the ANZACS

Pukeko's inquiry this term revolves around WW1, and it is off to a roaring start! It has been wonderful to see so many children enthusiastic to share artefacts and information they've found out about ancestors that fought.

Last week, Room 12 focused a lot of their learning on the question - What is ANZAC day?
We've been learning about the procedure of a Dawn Service, poppies, and the tough times the ANZACS faced at ANZAC Cove. You will find some pictures below of Room 12 acting out the landing and being faced with armed men, steep cliffs and ridges using the largest hill we could find in the playground. We had to visualise and imagine the hill being much larger! We even experimented using balls of paper to find out whether it were easier to fire ammunition up hill versus down hill to help us understand the difficult situation the ANZACs were in. 

Redwood School finished the first week of the term with a moving service to remember the ANZACS in front of our Fields of Remembrance. 

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