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Thursday, 6 August 2015

A Lovely First Day Back for Miss Roberts

Hello all!

After a couple of weeks in the USA and another few recovering from surgery, it is lovely to be back. I had a wonderful time overseas enjoying weather that required just a single layer of clothing. 

Today was a day focused on settling in again to those old routines. Room 12 worked wonderfully in teams on an oral language activity called 'See, Run, Do'. 'See-ers' looked carefully at an image, 'runners' were told by the 'see-ers' what they saw, and 'doers' had to draw what the 'see-ers' were told. It involved a lot of good communication, team work and self control not to peek at the picture!
Here are a few of the results:

For maths this term, our focus from now is fractions. That means finding fractions of shapes and sets. This new topic provides a good excuse to eat cake and work on cutting it into fractions. You might also like to enjoy a lolly or two and share them in halves or quarters, or if your feeling hungry, eat the whole lot!  Halves and quarters is where we will begin next week to refresh our memories. From there we will move onto others. 

Have a lovely weekend! 

Miss Roberts

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